The Juggle Is Real



Are You Setting Your 2022 Goals?

The new year is upon us… nothing we can do about that now. We are in the thick of it right… 3 days in actually.

Does thinking about that give you all the feels? 


But are they good feels?

Maybe not!

In my experience there are a few different approaches to the new year…

Some launch themselves into the newness with relish and vigour; goals set, vision boards created, bullet journals for what’s to come.

There are others who step into the new year with a mix of trepidation and excite…

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The Systems You Need to Run a Successful Business

If you’re like me, you want your business to run on autopilot so that when life happens (which it will) and there are challenges (there will be), you can handle them in stride. Here are my 5 recommended systems for running an incredibly successful, systemised and automated business.

Lead Generation
You must develop a proven method of advertising, marketing, and promotion in order to maintain a continuous flow of qualified leads. Your company's sales and income will dry up rapidly if you don't ha…

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Make it Easier Series - Lead Generation: Testing & Launching

We have reached the final steps of our automated lead generation funnel…

Testing and launching.

Unfortunately the test step is one that is overlooked too often, but it is a critical step in making sure your funnel works like a charm before you release it to the world.

Just a super quick note.
Although there are many different platforms that you might have created this lead generation funnel on the process for testing how it functions is pretty much the same.

Of course if you need to trouble s…

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Make it Easier Series - Lead Generation: Automate Your Funnel

We are at step 4 of 5 of building our automation lead generation funnel.

This step is a full speed automation step.
We are looking at putting the pieces that we’ve created over the last 3 weeks together and creating our automation.

To get this automation happening we are going to break it down into three areas.

1. linking our CRM to our signup page

2. Connecting our thank you page to the signup action on our squeeze page

3. Building the email automation using the emails we created in step 2

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Make it Easier Series - Lead Generation: Your Landing Pages

Our focus in this post is on creating a squeeze page and a thank you page for the lead magnet offer we created back in step 1 of our 5 step mini-series.

What is a squeeze page?

You’ve more than likely heard the term landing page, but you may not be familiar with squeeze page.
A squeeze page is a type of landing page.
And it is designed to capture an email address from a potential subscriber.
We want the squeeze page to make an impact, and we want it convert but we don’t want it to be spammy or …

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Make it Easier Series - Lead Generation: Lead Nurture Sequence

In this make it easier series we are going to be looking at crafting a lead generation funnel with ease and simplicity.
Over these 5 weeks I’m going to share some simple tips and strategies to get your lead generation on autopilot.

Last week you crafted your fabulous lead magnet.

This week, for step 2 we are going to be looking at the email sequence that is firstly going to deliver that lead magnet to your new lead, but also the emails that will follow on from that first welcome email.

Let’s g…

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Make it Easier Series - Lead Generation: Lead Magnet Creation

In this make it easier series we are going to be looking at crafting a lead generation funnel with ease and simplicity.
Over the next 5 weeks I’m going to share some simple tips and strategies to get your lead generation on autopilot.

So let’s get started with Step 1: The Lead Magnet.

So what is a lead magnet?
It is something of value that we provide to a lead, in exchange for something from them that we value - their email address.

And what is the purpose of our lead magnet? What should it do?…

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Adding Value To Your Membership Site

As August draws to a close, so does ‘Membership Month’. But we still need to go over a few things to prepare you to launch your membership site. So today we’re going to jump right in and talk about adding value to your membership site so that you can increase your profit margin.

In my last blog, I touched (very) briefly on hosting webinars as a form of content creation. I want to talk a little more about that in this blog because they can be a great way to add value for your members while reduc…

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The Best Membership Platforms

In last week's blog post I detailed how membership sites come in all shapes and sizes and include everything from simple blogs that require a login, to exclusive Facebook groups and dynamic content sites with access to premium content.

Running a membership site can be a big undertaking unless you understand your options and take time to set it up properly.

Basically, there are three types of membership sites:

- A free membership site - where members simply need to register with their name and…

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My Favourite Way to Scale Your Business: Create a Membership Site

I've decided to dub August as Membership month. I'm putting a lot of my focus into my own membership, supporting clients in crafting their membership and bringing you, my fabulous community of business savvy, a membership crash course.

So if you've been thinking about creating your own membership then you're in for a treat...

4 weeks of membership madness coming your way!

What are memberships and why they're so great

Memberships are the future of online business. They're like a one-time prod…

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Untitled design (1)

How do I outline my Course?

One of the questions I get asked quite a bit in regards to course creation is how to get started with outlining the content for the course. Once someone has decide to create a course this can be a big roadblock; deciding what to include and how to include it.

In my Course Creation Formula, I share the structure of outlining your course as The Roadmap to Transformation.

Through our course, we are taking our students from a pre-transformational state to a post-transformation state.

From their c…

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The Productive Solopreneur Series | My 3 Tips to Deal With The Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster

Let me ask you something…

How has your journey as an entrepreneur played out so far? As a graph what does it look like?

Is it a horizontal line heading straight to the sky, a smooth journey from not being an entrepreneur to being a super successful entrepreneur with not a single hiccup?


Does it look something like a three-year-old has grabbed a crayon and gone crazy on a piece of paper?

My journey definitely looks like something my little guy, Noah, does at daycare…

And that’s normal.

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The Productive Solopreneur Series | How To Stop Thinking About Work

A term that every entrepreneur, solopreneur, and wantrepreneur (yep that’s a term) should know about is The Zeigarnik Effect.

But I’m going to guess that you’re not familiar with this term. Actually, I suspect that you’ve probably never heard of it. 

Am I right?

And that’s a shame because…

Understanding this concept is what can help you to gain a better separation between work and relaxation, while also being more focused and more productive.

That is a win/win in my books.

So, what is the …

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Thinking of Outsourcing to a VA? Read this first

I often get asked about how when is the right time to start outsourcing, and how to find the right VA for your business.

Unfortunately, all too often I also hear the horror stories people have had with a VA. This is a shame. It can put a bad taste in some entrepreneurs mouths when thinking about engaging another VA.

I want to share with you some of my tips on deciding when its the right time to outsource. Also to work out what…

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How To Boost Your Efficiency From Zero To Hero

Do you start your day with aspirations of being super-efficient? But end your day wondering what the heck you’ve actually done? If you do, then you’re not alone. Almost every single client I’ve worked with has mentioned an efficiency woe to me at one point or another. How to boost efficiency is a common question for many entrepreneurs.

There’s one phrase that I hear more than any other, and I’m guilty of saying it a lot too…there aren’…

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