The Juggle Is Real

Online Course Creation

The art of preselling

The Art of Preselling

Want to know what sets experienced course creators apart from the new ones? 

It’s preselling. 

But what is preselling, how do you do it and why is it such a game-changer? 

That’s what I’m going to take a dive into in this blog post…

The premise of pre-selling your online course (or any program) is creating an outline and offer of it that you take out to market before you go ahead and create it completely. 

You are presenting a complete prototype of your course to your audience so you want…

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My 3 Step System To Easily Outline Your Online Course

When you think about creating your online course does it feel exciting, or overwhelming and daunting? Truth be told there is quite a bit of work that needs to be done to create a 6 figure course, BUT the process of putting your course outline together doesn’t have to be stressful.

It comes down to having a proven framework to follow…

And after creating many courses of my own and working with dozens of coaches and online business owners to create their course outline, I’ve pinned it down to a prove…

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Nail the transformation

Don’t nail your niche when you’re creating your course, do this instead…

Nail your niche is no doubt something that you’ve been told, or read at some point in your online business journey. 

There is a lot of backing that the key to a successful online course AND online business is have a very specific niche and target audience. I know I’ve said it myself; that if you’re trying to be everything to everyone, you aren’t being anything to anyone. 

And while knowing your target audience really well is a crucial step for your course creation (and business), when it comes to …

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4 Ways to Use Videos in your Online Course

It's no secret that video has become a powerful tool for marketing and education. With the advent of YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, Snapchat Stories, TikTok, and other platforms where anyone can upload videos in seconds to share with the world, it is not surprising that video as an educational tool is gaining popularity.

If you're still on the fence about using video in your course or are not sure how to incorporate it into your strategy, this blog post will give you some great ideas about …

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The First Time I Failed at Course Creation

Very early on in my business I decided to create a mini-course to bring some passive income into my business.

My plan was to create a 1 module, 3 lesson course, sell it for $27 and sit back and watch the money roll in.

So I did what most first-time course creators do…

I started creating content.

I wrote my scripts, filmed the videos, loaded them to my video host, created the emails to deliver the trainings, designed a super simple sales page, and wrote some social posts to promote it.

And I…

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Untitled design (1)

How do I outline my Course?

One of the questions I get asked quite a bit in regards to course creation is how to get started with outlining the content for the course. Once someone has decide to create a course this can be a big roadblock; deciding what to include and how to include it.

In my Course Creation Formula, I share the structure of outlining your course as The Roadmap to Transformation.

Through our course, we are taking our students from a pre-transformational state to a post-transformation state.

From their c…

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Avoid these 3 things when creating your Online Course

Creating your online course should be an exciting and enjoyable experience.

An online course is a massive asset to your business. It’s a resource that can take your revenue through the roof. It can also extend your reach much further than you ever expected.

There are 3 mistakes that I commonly see. Mistakes can turn course creation from a profitable, fun experience to a miserable one. This experience leaves the business owner feeling defeated, deflated, and writing online courses off as someth…

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Take a Peek Inside my Course Creation Toolbox

If you’ve been following me for 5 minutes then you know I love me some course creation. I’m hugely passionate about it and it’s an area that I love working in. It’s so rewarding to help someone take their idea for a course and craft it into a reality...a winning online course that is filled with ideal students and is a significant, profitable asset for their business. 

When I have that initial conversation with prospective clients around building their course, one of the questions that typicall…

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3 Easy Ways to Market Your New Online Course

So, you’ve got an idea for an online course and you’re ready to get creating? 

Not so quickly lovely. 

It may seem a bit backward, but creating the content for your course shouldn’t be at the top of your list. 

What comes first?

Selling it!

You may be thinking that I’ve completely lost it...that you can’t sell something you haven’t created, but trust me on this. You can...and you should!

I’m going to share with you the three best ways to marketing your online course, using tried and true t…

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20 Practical Tips To Creating A Winning Online Course

It may not come as any surprise to you that online courses have boomed in 2020. COVID19 threw a huge spanner in the works for anybody that offered only face-to-face coaching and consulting services only. The question of how to take their in-person services into the online world left many confused and overwhelmed. Fortunately, the answer for most has been simple...well in theory anyway.

Online Courses.

But how do you go about creating an online course that is going to sell?

It’s not as hard as…

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How To Get Clear On Your Course Topic

Ready to get on board the course creation train but not sure what topic you should create your course on? Maybe you’ve got a few different topics in mind and can’t decide which one to start with.

Keep reading because I’m going to share with you 3 ways to ensure you choose the right topic for your course and that it’s a course that is set to wow.

1. Choose a topic that you’re passionate about

If you’re not passionate about your topic can you really expect your prospective audience to be? Your …

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