Make it Easier Series - Lead Generation: Lead Magnet Creation
In this make it easier series we are going to be looking at crafting a lead generation funnel with ease and simplicity.
Over the next 5 weeks I’m going to share some simple tips and strategies to get your lead generation on autopilot.
So let’s get started with Step 1: The Lead Magnet.
So what is a lead magnet?
It is something of value that we provide to a lead, in exchange for something from them that we value - their email address.
And what is the purpose of our lead magnet? What should it do?
Firstly, it needs to focus on giving value to our lead. If your audience doesn't think it’s valuable, they aren't likely to give you their email address in exchange for it.
It also needs to start to introduce your leads to the next steps they could take with you. Think of the lead magnet as the first step in a relationship. What comes next? What's the next small step you’d like them to take with you?
Your lead magnet should also be benefit driven. So what are the benefits it is providing to them?
Next your lead magnet should solve a problem that your audience is dealing with. It doesn’t need to be a big problem, you just want to give them a piece of the puzzle, but a complete piece.
It should be relevant to your audience. If you’re promoting something to an audience that aren’t going to find it relevant to their current situation, you are going to have crickets. No one is going to sign up for it.
It should also be relevant to your core offer. So thinking forward to where you want your leads to head in the future.
And finally it should set you up as an expert in your area, or let them know what your unique value proposition is, or what sets you apart from your competition.
There are 4 keys to lead magnet success.
It’s simple - no body wants complicated!
It’s relevant to your audience
It’s easy to digest. When we download a lead magnet we want to be able to take it in fairly quickly and implement it easily. If a lead magnet is going to take 5 hours to digest, it’s too long.
It’s easy to implement. Again this is around keeping it simple. If you’re sharing some steps with your audience, letting them know what they need to do, it must be easy for them to implement. If you confuse them, or overwhelm them with 100 steps that are going to take a huge amount of time out of their day, they are less likely to continue to move towards you. You want to bring clarity to your audience and not confuse and overwhelm them.
A winning lead magnet should do one of the following for your audience:
It saves them time
It teaches them something new
It saves them money
It brings joy into their lives.
What lead magnet should you create?
Now before you start creating your lead magnet, here are 3 questions I want you to ask yourself.
Who is it for? Be really clear on who you’re creating this lead magnet for, who your target audience is
What problem or pain point are you addressing? This comes from knowing who your target audience is and having something that is relevant to them.
How are you going to deliver it to them? So is it a PDF, or a webinar, a video or audio etc?
Some lead magnets will convert better than others.
They will resonate with your audience more than others, and it is a bit of a period of trial and error.
I’ve created around 10 different lead magnets over the course of my business, and some have performed really well, while others have not been as popular.
This process really teaches you what your audience wants and what they need. It may be different to what you expect, but it’s a worthwhile process. So if you create something and don’t get the response you’re expecting initially don’t give up. It is a journey.
Here are some suggestions of things you can offer as your lead magnet.
Customisable templates
Checklists and cheat sheets
A Quiz
A chapter from your book
A webinar or a webinar replay
A list of the tools you use in your business
A trello board you use
An audio recording
A spreadsheet
A guide
An invitation for a free call with you
A video training sequence.
Or a challenge
So time for some action, get creative and craft your lead magnet.
If you want to see some of mine in action, you can find them here.
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