The Juggle Is Real


Dealing With Imposter Syndrome

Time to get real on something that I know is an issue for a lot of entrepreneurs…

Feeling like a fraud.

Now I’m not talking about doing anything shady or illegal.

But the feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt that go hand in hand with imposter syndrome.

Now if you’re wondering what the heck imposter syndrome is and wondering if you have it, let me fill you in.

Imposter syndrome is a belief that you’re no good, you’r…

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Thinking of Outsourcing to a VA? Read this first

I often get asked about how when is the right time to start outsourcing, and how to find the right VA for your business.

Unfortunately, all too often I also hear the horror stories people have had with a VA. This is a shame. It can put a bad taste in some entrepreneurs mouths when thinking about engaging another VA.

I want to share with you some of my tips on deciding when its the right time to outsource. Also to work out what…

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How To Boost Your Efficiency From Zero To Hero

Do you start your day with aspirations of being super-efficient? But end your day wondering what the heck you’ve actually done? If you do, then you’re not alone. Almost every single client I’ve worked with has mentioned an efficiency woe to me at one point or another. How to boost efficiency is a common question for many entrepreneurs.

There’s one phrase that I hear more than any other, and I’m guilty of saying it a lot too…there aren’…

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How To Use Your Personality Type To Your Advantage

Have you ever done a personality quiz? I’m not talking about the ones that tell you what Harry Potter character you are. I’m talking about a Myers Brigg personality test.
I first took this personality quiz back in 2012 as part of a screening process for a corporate role. And I have been obsessed with personality profiles ever since.
I’m an INTJ – which stands for Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging.

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The Truth About Entrepreneur Loneliness

Being an entrepreneur is amazing, exciting, thrilling…

But it also has a dark side.
Being an entrepreneur can be the loneliest job in the world…even more so if you are working from home.
I am so familiar with this feeling and it can be so hard to reconcile it. On the one hand, there are so many amazing things about being an entrepreneur… fulfilling your dream, working for yourself, following your passion. On the other…

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Dear Client, Thanks But No Thanks

Have you ever said ‘Yes’ to working with a client and immediately had a sinking feeling in your stomach? 

When I first started in my business I was so focused on growing my business that I wasn’t in the habit of being thoughtful about who I worked with. I thought that I needed to say yes to every opportunity because saying no wasn’t going to grow my business. So regardless of that little niggling voice in the back of my head after my first chat with a prospective client,…

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The Curse Of Perfectionism

I’m a recovering perfectionist!

It’s something that I’ve struggled with all my life…well for as long as I can remember. I’ve covered this desire for perfection with a mask of excellence, ambition, hard work. In reality, I was sabotaging myself.

Why? Because perfectionism is an ideal…it’s not achievable.

I’m not alone in my perfectionist tendencies. So many entrepreneurs deal with it daily, often without even realising it.

If you mentally tick off any of the below, you might be strugg…

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How To Be More Productive By Doing Less

If you’ve ever looked back at your workday and thought to yourself, “I was so busy but I got nothing done”, then you’re not alone. Spending our day in a state of busyness, jumping back and forth between tasks doesn’t mean we are productive. Actually, the key to being more productive is doing less!

Get ready to kick your productivity up a notch.

So what does Productivity really mean?

The definition of Productivity is

A measure of the efficiency of a person…in converting inputs into useful o…

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